
You will always be welcome at one of the Women’s Institutes in the Huntingdon & Peterborough Federation. WIs can be found in rural villages, the market towns of Huntingdon, St Ives, St Neots, and Ramsey and in the urban areas of Peterborough – stretching from Kimbolton and St Neots in the South to Northborough in the North. We even have a virtual WI, Filoxenia Virtual WI.

Whatever your interests we aim to offer something to inspire you with opportunities to widen knowledge, learn new skills and share experiences.  Fun and friendship are also to be found, so why not join nearly 200,000 WI members in England and Wales?

Visit us at the WI Centre! Our office opening hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9am – 1pm.

The WI Shop, located at the WI Centre, is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10am – 12pm.

Helen Foster, Federation Secretary – office@hpfwi.org.uk

Lorraine Ward, Bookkeeper – bookings@hpfwi.org.uk

WI Adviser for December – Phyllis Brooks – wiadviser@hpfwi.org.uk

WI Adviser for January – Sally Dalley – wiadviser@hpfwi.org.uk

Federation Chairman  – Phyllis Brooks  fedchair@hpfwi.org.uk  01480 380240